Pragma SSH is the ONLY SSH Server available today that is on the UC_APL and passed TIC testing
By using Pragma's SSH Server and Client technologies, customers can deploy these secure file transfer and copy capabilities knowing these technologies have met the highest possible security standards. Pragma Fortress SSH Server comes with a built-in FIPS 140-2 Validated Cryptographic Library to provide for secure transfer of data. This version of Pragma's SSH Server uses the validated cryptographic library to ensure that it operates using only FIPS-approved algorithms for encryption of transferred data when using Secure Copy (SCP) and Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP). More details on Pragma's FIPS solution, click here.
Pragma Systems' SSH Server and SSH Client have been recommended by and is now on the Department of Defense's Unified Capabilities APL. The UC APL purpose is to maintain a single consolidated list of products that have completed Interoperability (IO) and Information Assurance (IA) certification. Use of the DoD UC APL allows DoD Components to purchase and operate UC systems over all DoD network infrastructures.
The APL is the only listing of equipment by DoD to be fielded in DoD networks. DoD components are required to fulfill their system needs by only purchasing APL listed products, providing one of the listed products meets their needs. This means the APL must be consulted prior to purchasing a system or product.
The United States Army has a Technology Integration Center (TIC) that's primary purpose is to ensure that components of hardware and software that will be used across US Army's networks are held to the highest security and encryption standards possible. TIC recommends the SSH server and clients for placement on the United Capabilities Approved Product List as a SSH, SFTP, SCP server and a SSH and SFTP Client.
Most government agencies such as the Department of Defense require certain
security and/or encryption technologies to be properly tested for the commercial
systems they utilize to protect the integrity of data traffic traveling
across their infrastructure environments. Similarly, companies in various
market segments such as healthcare, financial and supply chain management
are under increasing pressure to ensure that customer, vendor and patient
information is secure when traveling across networks. To meet that need, the
Department of Defense has created the Unified Capabilities Approved Products
List which provides for ease of selection for those organizations that need
to be held to the highest security and data encryption protection standards. Very few products undergo the rigorous testing and validation standards, which can take multiple years to complete, to be placed on the UC APL.